Ad Partners was asked to develop branding and interior design aspects for a new restaurant concept being tested in the fast-casual segment: The Hatchery. Following the creative brief "Chick-Fil-A for grownups," we started with an interior design that evokes a fresh take on “farmhouse modern” ... followed by a tagline intended to establish a premium position within the category: Chicken has a new Pecking Order.
Winning interior design is an extension of your brand.
We love interior design projects because it’s an opportunity to bring your brand to life in a 3D space. From the general interior flow … to suggested material types and textures … to the color palate … and integrated store graphics that promote core messaging … we helped The Hatchery turn every touchpoint into an opportunity to connect with guests..
“From custom programming to user interfaces that are intuitive and compelling, Ad Partners always finds a way to fulfill our wish lists. They’re also good at making complex things seem simple.”